An Open-Source framework used for PenTesting & Exploit Dev. + Has wide array of exploits/attacks and can be used to automate your own exploits.
It has many interfaces to use :
msfconsole - an interactive command-line like interface
msfcli - a literal Linux command line interface
Armitage - a GUI-based third party application
msfweb - browser based interface
MSFConsole basic workflow to exploit a target will be:
Identify a Vulnerable service.
Search for a proper exploit for that service.
Load + Config the Exploit.
Load + Config the Payload.
Run the Exploit code & get access to the vulnerable machine.
Update Metasploit:
🥇Basic initialization:
Using DB, Start the PostgreSQL DB (store + faster search) + MS service:
Start MSFConsole
Search for a module:
4200+ modules (exploits, auxiliary, payloads ,encoders, post, nops, evasion)
Show help or module:
🐱👤Basic Exploitation:
Use an Exploit:
Go Back after choosing something:
show info about selected module:
check the module options:
Config an option:
To run exploits Payload is needed. Payloads are pieces of code injected by an exploit into machine/service. we use them to get: - get OS shell. - a VNC/RDP connection. - a Meterpreter shell. - execute own own code/application
`show payloads` while using an exploit will show only working payload for that exploit
Set a Payload (after you used your exploit):
Launch the Exploit:
check exploit -h for extra info like (-e for encoding).
🔍Recon with Metasploit:
Search with Hosts ARP:
Doesn't show your own machine IP.
Port scan:
Nmap Scan inside MSFConsole:
Nmap Vulnerability assessment:
the script will tell you if a certain service is vul or not use the name of the vul along with
search <vuk_name>
to fine exploits and procedure with how to exploit above. regarding mentioned in ePTS: smb-check-wuls.nse check this out.
Obtain SYSTEM privileges on the machine
check before and after getuid
Install a backdoor
remember your session ID:
many way to achieve persistence one way is this:
Note that we will also need to enable the Payload Handler in order to receive the connection, as follows:
exploit now:
notice backdoor installed successfully but didn't un we need the target to reboot to work so we will go back to the Meterpreter session and reboot it like this:
instead of session 1 you can pick your own session if you got many against multiple targets. the ctr+z twice to get out and
check if any active listeners are running:
let's create a Metasploit listener to receive the connection. The payload has to be of the same type as the backdoor that was placed on the victim system:
check your sessions you should find your backdoor:
make sure you get system privilege then dumb hashes to crack them with john The Ripper:
Search and Download files:
Killing all task
to kill all the Metasploit tasks and sessions:
Last updated
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