short for Meta-Interpreter: Powerful shell runs on (x86, x64) Android, BSD, Java, Linux, PHP, Python & Windows. Able to gather info, Transfer files, install backdoors ...etc .
List all Meterpreters:
Choose payload
Meterpreter can:
bind_tcp: Wait for commands on target machine. it runs a server on target waiting for conn from attacker.
reverse_tcp: connect back to attacker. it performs a TCP conn to the attacker machine.
To get the Meterpreter session you must run the exploit. (as shown in Metasploit)
MSFConsole can host multiple Meterpreter sessions.
switch from Meterpreter session to the msf:
list all the sessions in msf:
resume a background session:
🔍Recon with Meterpreter:
Meterpreter, allow you to gather info on exploited machine and it's network. to retrieve:
Info about Machine & OS.
Network Config in use.
Routing table of target.
Target user info
System info:
Print network config.:
Get routing table
which user is running the process you exploited
Privilege Escalation:
Run privilege escalation routine (if user is not privileged):
system is the highest privileges on windows machine.
in modern Windows OS he User Account Control (UAC) policy prevents privilege escalation. (fail when running getsystem).
bypass UAC:
Now you get a new session with UAC policy disabled.
inside a Meterpreter session you can use the following to see your privileges:
also read this to get privilege without tools:
Remain Stealthy:
change the process name so it's no suspicious (inside Meterpreter session):
🔑Dumping Password Database (hashes):
you can type hashdump inside a Meterpreter session another way is:
better way dumbed in clear text:
Dumbing Victim .bash_history
assuming you hacked a Unix system and now you have a meterpreter sessions and inside it:
🚶♂️Exploring the Victim System:
Downloading & Uploading:
Running the OS Shell
every command have a help just add -h:
Last updated
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